Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Which number is larger??

I sacrificed my sleeping time,
I sacrificed my dinner time,
I replaced my supper wit Indomee which take me only 15minutes to finish it,
(including the time to cook)

I'm trying to stay alert and focus.....
Just for the Maths test at 9am.

In the test paper,
one of the question required to choose a smaller number to proceed the steps.

choose among -1, -2.

I choose -1 is smaller than -2.


Hello brother, -2 is smaller than -1 !!!

I'm feeling ......
don't know how to express myself,

what a stupid mistake I've done.....


Miyuki said...

haha!!nvm dude...forget bout it..

Ryan said...

facts is always a facts, hard to forget it T.T

Red said...

forget it la~