Saturday, February 7, 2009

During Chinese New Year 2009

This Chinese New Year,
my family and I went to Hatyai for
3 days 2 nights vacation.

Not bad la,
since this is my first time to be in Hatyai.
Kinda Enjoy there.

Enjoying shooting photos everywhere we visit.....

And every street we passed by....

And everything I felt interesting with it....

This is one of my favorite place during this trip.....

The market on the River...

They are all designed based on the culture of the Thai.

Not to forget to take my own photo

And this is also one of my favorite place during this trip,
the cave...
( I forgot it's name )

And lastly, a place full of tourist every night,

Nice Trip


Vincent said...

wa so nice...

i've been to Golok only >.< haha

Ryan said...

what so nice?

Jade¬ said...

aaa.floating market! lovely shot!

Ryan said...

Ah ha, thx thx.... huhu~~ told ya my blog will b update , whkakakaaka.